Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Free Advice from 2004-2005

The day after the AP Exam this year while we were sitting around enjoying our donuts, I asked the class to write down any and all advice they wanted to give the incoming class on how to succeed in AP Calc. Listed below are their comments.......Food for thought as you embark upon your Calculus careers......

1. Expect to work hard.
2. Don't procrastinate on the Calculus Portfolio or life will s___ really bad.
3. Do your homework!
4. Don't be afraid to ask questions and go in for extra help outside of class.
5. Don't be shy....or you die! -- MM.

  • Don't wait until the night before your Calculus portfolio is due to do it.
  • It always takes much longer to type it than you expect...every time.
  • If you finish MM's sentences on funny comments/philosophies he sometimes gives extra points.
  • Do the homework every night!
  • Ask MM for help outside of class time.
  • Get a study buddy or people you know you can call to ask questions about homework. Math really is easier as a "Team Sport."
  • Know your unit circle.
  • Even when you get really really frustrated, just try to remember that eventually you will get it.
  • Know your Saturday Night Live, Monty Python, and Caddyshack ("Be the ball.").
  • MM loves jelly bellies.
  • Cover your book.
  1. Do your HW every night. It helps.
  2. The Calculus portfolio takes longer to type than you think.
  3. If you are going for multiple AP classes, prepare to have minimal social life.
  4. Laziness is extremely dangerous.
  5. Finish his sayings out loud.
  6. Ask for help outside of class.
  7. Make sure there is at least one other Math god or goddess in each of your classes so you have someone to share inside jokes with.
  8. Watch a lot of SNL, Monty Python, Best of Will Ferrell and Caddyshack so you understand.
Don't ever wait until the night before your portfolio is due. It takes longer to type than you think.
Don't wait until the night before to study for a test. Study a few nights out, so you can hit your weak points the night before.
Speak up in class. He likes to see that you are at least trying, even if you are wrong.
Don't be afraid to speak up if you think others are wrong and you have justification as to why. Everyone makes mistakes.
Always do your homework. The practice helps a lot and you can identify mistake you made.
When MM says, "You'll need to remember this," you will! Write it down.
If you are confused, don't be embarassed, ask because at least 1 more person is as confused as you are (usually).

  • Don't play basketball at the Calculus Lock-In, you might break your foot!!!
  • Don't focus on grades. When all is said and done it is more fulfilling to know that you truly understand the Calculus than it is to have an A. Also when it comes time for the (AP) Exam your grade in the class won't help you.
  • Don't avoid learning things that you have trouble with. They will never go away and they will only add stress to your life.
  • Pay attention during class. If you miss a single step because of daydreaming you won't understand anything that follows.
  • Don't ever say you hate math, at least not in front of MM. Never challenge his ability to win the Iron Man competition.
  1. Do not be afraid to ask for help.
  2. Be ready to study for hours for tests.
  3. Calculus portfolio - don't wait until the last night unless you simply hate sleeping.
  4. Watch out for yams, ferrets, and sheds.
  5. Be the ball; you need more cow bell; scoff at the shed.
  • Do your hw.
  • Expect to work hard.
  • Learn the concepts.
  • Remember the formula for area of a triangle.
  • Enjoy the journey!
  • Stay focused!
- Start studying before the night before a test.
- Don't blow off the midterms; especially the last one of 1st semester. It can make or break your semester grade.
- Don't let senioritis set in until after the AP Exam.

As a pain as it may be, do your portfolio gradually, not the night before it is due. When MM keeps emphasizing something in class, chance are it will be on the test. Look at the questions at the end of the chapters. If it inolves a yam, it will be on the test. Finish his quirky sayings and you get extra points. Do your homework -- just do it. Or you will fail horribly. Don't pull all nighters more than twice a week -- you will crash and burn. Make sure your first period is a BS class so you can study. Design the Calculus t-shirt before the last minute. Watch SpaceBalls, Paper Chase, Will Ferrell Live, Field of Dreams, Caddyshack and the scene from Saturday Night Live with the cow bell so you won't be truly lost with his inside jokes. Mutter cuss words under your breath in order to confuse your fellow classmates. Don't leave bits of trash on the floor. If you're lost, grow some ____ and raise your hand and ask what on earth is going on. Stay in Calculus because you get donuts.

Do your homework
Eat your yams,
Don't let senioritis
Kick in till after exams.

Don't be ______
Pay attention take notes,
If you check the van
Be sure to bring coats.

Take the advice
Of Godfather M___
Bring a cowbell
And you'll all sing "Dao"

The beginning is tough,
So don't turn red.
And if you study the right thing
You'll scoff at this shed.

  1. Do your homework
  2. Don't be too cocky.
  3. You're responsible for your own grade. There isn't any coddling.
  4. Be motivated.
  5. Learn to study.


Blogger mathman said...

PS Mr. Shrimp wrote the poem.

5:11 PM  
Blogger mathman said...

Just received this in an email from Mr. Shrimp at Chapel Hill. Thought it was a nice positive viewpoint of what you have to look forward to.

To the students of this years calc class... You cannot predict the
feeling when you walk to the mailbox and open the letter to your AP
Calculus grade and find the 5, 5 score. Then, when you see on your
college schedule that you already have 6 credit hours and don't have to
worry about taking math again, the feeling occurs once again. What is
the feeling? It is the feeling of relief, but more the feeling of
Satisfaction. The fact that you applied yourself so deeply to one
objective and came out on top. I cannot stress to you how great that
feeling is. My advice to you is to respect Calculus and the AP Exam.
Don't fear it, but don't underestimate it either. Earn it's respect,
and when the ladies in Colorodo read your paper, they will respect
you. If you are contemplating on whether or not to give that extra hour
of your night to Calculus or the television, choose The Calculus. The
instantaneous good feeling of vegetating in front of the tv cannot
compare to the feeling of accomplishing that goal of the 5!

Okay, I admit I got a little sentimental when I was eating lunch with
Alyssa today and we were reminicing about the good times in Calculus.
From scoffing at the shed, to yams, to running through banners over a 4
hour test we laughed at every single one. Our year in calculus was an
incredible experience and I am so glad I had the opportunity. So I hope
you have many students that will take advantage of the opportunity they
have to succeed in Calc.
-- Mr. Shrimp

6:15 AM  

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