Free Advice from 2005-2006 Students
Once again this year after the AP Exam, I asked the students what advice they would give to those following behind them. Here you have it.....
Get in the habit of staying current on the lesson and the homework. You will quickly find that falling behind is not an option.
If you're not sure you are understanding something, say so. Chances are someone else is thinking the same thing you are.
You will not remember a process simply by seeing it done for you. Get in the habit of taking your own notes with all examples that are done for you.
Just as Mr. Mayo suggests, compile a "cheat sheet" that contains easily forgotten formulas, rules, and theorems.
Regardless of what you may think coming into this course, the grade you receive will accurately reflect how much effort you put forth, so consider the first before you shortcut on the second.
Understand concepts, general ideas.
Only be concerned with memorization secondly.
Never be close-minded when approaching problems, there may not be a single method of obtaining the solution.
Never feel inferior because you are incorrect.
Try as much as possible.
If you cannot understand something, sit and look at it and try to wrap your mind around it.
Visualize everything.
Respect the Calculus! It is a gift that should be used and cherished.
Do your homework! You might think that you are pulling a fast one because Mr. Mayo is not grading it, but it will catch up with you.
Study! If you think that you know the chapter like the back of your hand, there will be the one question on the test that you forgot about but could have studied.
If Mr. Mayo says that you should study something, study it! He is not out to trick you. If he says it is on the test, then it is on the test.
If you do not understand something, go in for help! Mr. Mayo loves helping people if they need it and he might even drop a very helpful hint.
Just learn for learning's sake. Don't worry if it will be on the test or not. Just learn it because it's good to know. By the way, it will be on the test.
Don't worry about your grade! If you just worry about learning calculus then your grade will take care of itself. Also, worrying about your grade makes a certain someone a little angry.
Have fun! That one doesn't really need an explanation.
Do the homework: you will be glad you did later on.
If you don't understand something, ask about it. It's better to look stupid before you supposed to know it than to look stupid when you get a really bad grade back.
Don't procrastinate on the portfolio.
If you procrastinate on the portfolio, set more than two alarms the morning it is due.
Use the portfolio as a study guide for midterms and the AP Exam.
Make sure your calculator is on RADIANS!
Learn the unit circle!!
Know that a stilleto is not always a shoe.
Do all of your homework every night.
If you don't understand something go in for extra help.
Realize that it is the class vs. the AP Exam, so work as a team with everyone in the class.
Do all of your homework every night.
Help each other out.
The day before a test, get together in a small study group and go over questions and free responses relating to that section.
Don't wait for the last minute to do your portfolio, keep up on it.
Have confidence in your ability to learn and understand calculus.
Don't get frustrated because you can still get a 5 on the exam even though you missed some questions.
Take Calculus as a Senior.
Work on your portfolio every night.
Come in for help.
Ask questions!!!
Call your peers.
Study for tests individually and in groups.
Do ALL of your homework (at home!)
Don't miss class.
Don't give up.
Always work hard.
Never sit on the desks.
Don't beat yourself up, stay positive.
Make sure you have the time for Calc.
It's not for everyone.
Don't take it to raise your GPA.
Don't argue with him about grades (you want your partial credit, believe me!)
Do your calc homework FIRST - you will always have it so it can become routine.
Read the next section, or two.
Take good notes - it really helps.
Pay attention in class and ask questions - you are usually not the only one who is confused.
Use the internet to study and understand - calculus can be taught in many ways, maybe another one is better for you.
Use your colleagues, talking to others ALWAYS helps.
Come in early, stay after, stay up -- care.
Study a little each night.
I'm not going to say do your homework, if you don't you're stupid. Period.
Get in the habit of staying current on the lesson and the homework. You will quickly find that falling behind is not an option.
If you're not sure you are understanding something, say so. Chances are someone else is thinking the same thing you are.
You will not remember a process simply by seeing it done for you. Get in the habit of taking your own notes with all examples that are done for you.
Just as Mr. Mayo suggests, compile a "cheat sheet" that contains easily forgotten formulas, rules, and theorems.
Regardless of what you may think coming into this course, the grade you receive will accurately reflect how much effort you put forth, so consider the first before you shortcut on the second.
Understand concepts, general ideas.
Only be concerned with memorization secondly.
Never be close-minded when approaching problems, there may not be a single method of obtaining the solution.
Never feel inferior because you are incorrect.
Try as much as possible.
If you cannot understand something, sit and look at it and try to wrap your mind around it.
Visualize everything.
Respect the Calculus! It is a gift that should be used and cherished.
Do your homework! You might think that you are pulling a fast one because Mr. Mayo is not grading it, but it will catch up with you.
Study! If you think that you know the chapter like the back of your hand, there will be the one question on the test that you forgot about but could have studied.
If Mr. Mayo says that you should study something, study it! He is not out to trick you. If he says it is on the test, then it is on the test.
If you do not understand something, go in for help! Mr. Mayo loves helping people if they need it and he might even drop a very helpful hint.
Just learn for learning's sake. Don't worry if it will be on the test or not. Just learn it because it's good to know. By the way, it will be on the test.
Don't worry about your grade! If you just worry about learning calculus then your grade will take care of itself. Also, worrying about your grade makes a certain someone a little angry.
Have fun! That one doesn't really need an explanation.
Do the homework: you will be glad you did later on.
If you don't understand something, ask about it. It's better to look stupid before you supposed to know it than to look stupid when you get a really bad grade back.
Don't procrastinate on the portfolio.
If you procrastinate on the portfolio, set more than two alarms the morning it is due.
Use the portfolio as a study guide for midterms and the AP Exam.
Make sure your calculator is on RADIANS!
Learn the unit circle!!
Know that a stilleto is not always a shoe.
Do all of your homework every night.
If you don't understand something go in for extra help.
Realize that it is the class vs. the AP Exam, so work as a team with everyone in the class.
Do all of your homework every night.
Help each other out.
The day before a test, get together in a small study group and go over questions and free responses relating to that section.
Don't wait for the last minute to do your portfolio, keep up on it.
Have confidence in your ability to learn and understand calculus.
Don't get frustrated because you can still get a 5 on the exam even though you missed some questions.
Take Calculus as a Senior.
Work on your portfolio every night.
Come in for help.
Ask questions!!!
Call your peers.
Study for tests individually and in groups.
Do ALL of your homework (at home!)
Don't miss class.
Don't give up.
Always work hard.
Never sit on the desks.
Don't beat yourself up, stay positive.
Make sure you have the time for Calc.
It's not for everyone.
Don't take it to raise your GPA.
Don't argue with him about grades (you want your partial credit, believe me!)
Do your calc homework FIRST - you will always have it so it can become routine.
Read the next section, or two.
Take good notes - it really helps.
Pay attention in class and ask questions - you are usually not the only one who is confused.
Use the internet to study and understand - calculus can be taught in many ways, maybe another one is better for you.
Use your colleagues, talking to others ALWAYS helps.
Come in early, stay after, stay up -- care.
Study a little each night.
I'm not going to say do your homework, if you don't you're stupid. Period.